Sunday, September 23, 2018


September 23, 2018

" ... for he is a prophet and he will pray for you and you shall live..." (Genesis 20:7)  Here we see it is plain that man does NOT heal ! But that God heals and works through man for His glory. That means that there are not "healers" in this world, but there are people that God chooses to work through in order to show His glory and mercy. If anyone claims to be a healer ... he is a liar ! Only God can heal and only God does miracles through people for HIS glory !

Daniel 9:21 " yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in a vision at the beginning, being caused to to fly swiftly, reached me about the time of the evening offering." Now we know that God can answer prayer the second that we utter the words ! Gabriel says that he was sent to answer this prayer while he was still praying. This should give us a very good feeling that if our prayer is in Gods will He can answer our prayer quickly ! Does that mean He will ? No ... it means He can. Only God knows the perfect time to answer any prayer.

"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." Another version says " The fervent prayer of a righteous man avalith much".  Which ever one you see, the meaning is plain. If a man is righteous (in Jesus not on his own) and prays with faith within Gods will...then God will hear and answer that prayer. Does this mean God answers all prayer ?   Of course not ! Only those that are from Him and fit His plan for those involved.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


September 15, 2018

" Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ " (Ephesians 5:20
) . We start with this verse because it lays out the importance of gratitude AND the degree of gratitude we should have ! What does it say ? Always and for all things ! This includes all things physical and spiritual. This verse refers mostly to all that God has done for us through the work of His Son ! But not limited to that because earlier in that paragraph Paul is talking about things of the body and of the Spirit.

In Romans 7 : 24-25 " O wretched man that I am ! Who will deliver me from this body of death ? I thank God - through Jesus Christ our Lord. " This whole paragraph Paul is talking about the battle of sin verses good in this physical body. This is the conclusion of the paragraph and the question and answer he is seeking. He concludes that the physical body is a body of death and sin  and longs to be delivered from it ! The question is WHO will deliver him from this sinful body . He answers it with verse 25. God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefor, we should always acknowledge that we live in a fallen world and need God just to survive . And be eternally grateful to God through His Son who did the work necessary on the cross to deliver us from our sinful bodies to God !

" Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; "  Here we see that we should be thankful FOR prayer but also to be thankful IN prayer. How do you show thanks in prayer ? Many ways but one would be to give praise to God. In your praise will come the thanks ! How great is it that we have the ability to actually talk with the God of the universe ? He has given us this tool to make our request known to Him, to build a relationship with Him, and to praise and worship Him among many other reasons. The gift of prayer is given only to the believer. This we should be grateful for. That is why we should be grateful in all things all the time.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


September 9, 2018

" Therefor whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)  I had an individual in my class years ago who said he had never heard a good definition of humility. The more I thought about it I had to agree. Here when Jesus uses the word He leaves it to our knowledge to know how a child is humble. We can make some assumptions. A child is completely dependent on others for his life. He is a reflection of those he is around. A child loves without condition and a child will defend those he loves without exception. If we make these assumptions we can see the definition of  humility come into focus. We should possess these traits and many others if we are in a true relationship with Jesus !

In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy 8:2 we see, " And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not."  You mean God did not know what was in their hearts ???   Of course not ... God wanted the Jews to know what was in their hearts !  Here again as we try to put together the state of being humble, we see TOTAL reliance on God while they were in the desert. It took 40 years for God to be convinced of their humility. How much longer for us ?  Perhaps if we surrender to the Holy Spirit (Which was not available to them) that is a seed that He plants in our spirit and grows as we nurture it !

" When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom "( Proverbs 11:2)   Here we see that the opposite of humility is pride. Does that mean it is wrong to take  "pride " in a job well done ?  God forbid ! As Christians we do our work as if for God. The pride here is not the same as is talked about here in Proverbs. Here, the writer is saying that pride is an over riding part of a person who believes in his own self righteousness and therefor does not compare himself to God ... but only unto himself !  A total NON - reliance on God !  The opposite of humility.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


September 2, 2018

"Hospitality was specifically commanded by God (Lev. 19:33-34, Luke 14:13-14, Rom. 12:13) It was to be characteristic of all believers (1 Peter 4:9). Jesus emphasized the importance of hospitality by answering the question of who should inherit the kingdom:"I was a stranger and you took me in." (Matt. 25:35)....Guests were welcomed and provided for. A host would go to great lengths to protect his guests (Judges 19:16-24). This was considered a sign of faithfulness to God (Job 31:32)" (Taken from Nelsons dictionary of the bible pgs. 492-493)

" ... if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work."( 1 Timothy 5:10) In this verse Paul is advising Timothy on the guide lines for allowing a widow to become part of the church and for receiving benefits from the church. These seem rather harsh conditions for a church to require in order to receive help ! Look closely at the list. Paul wanted to make sure she was a Christian with a servants heart ! One of those was to "lodge strangers" or hospitality !  We can now see that hospitality is a product of a changed heart AND a requirement from God.

In 1 Peter 4:8-9  " And above all things have fervent love for one another for "love will cover a multitude of sins." Be hospitable to one another without grumbling .." The Greek word for hospitable means "love of strangers".  In Paul's day hospitality meant opening ones home for strangers like traveling preachers and also opening ones home for church services ! Once again we see that hospitality is mentioned right after love. Not only love but fervent love ! With a reminder that love will cover a multitude of sins. Therefor love is not only practical when applied but also reworded by God.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


August 26, 2018

"Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance ; for you serve the Lord Christ But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality." (Colossians  3:24) Here we can see that Jesus is clearly teaching that service to Him will be rewarded AND that those who do not will also be paid back !  That means there are NO exceptions. Everyone will be either rewarded or punished spiritually upon the death of your body. That should encourage believers to serve with all of your heart. Likewise it should scare all non-believers that they will be punished for serving any one or any thing other than Jesus. Philemon shows us, however, that we are not to use this as an excuse to disobey our earthly bosses or overseers.

Ezekiel 48 : 9-10 says " The district that you shall set apart for the Lord shall be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width. To these - the priests - the holy district shall belong."  The Old Testament is an outward and physical manifestation of the spiritual truths taught in the New Testament. In this passage we see that God is rewarding the Levites with their land. They were expected to serve God ONLY. The tithes to the Temple were meant to keep them in food and God was providing all things to them. This is the same concept we saw in the last passage only in this world and not in the spiritual world. The message could not be any plainer : Serve God only and you will be rewarded !

"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry ..." ( 1 Timothy 1 :12 ) Several key things here to see as it relates to service. First, we see that Paul was enabled to serve because he was counted faithful ... by God. Secondly, he was PUT into ministry by God. Lastly, Paul was enabled. This verse goes on to draw the difference between being saved and not saved verses being enabled to serve. No one then can serve God unless these three things are done. 1) you must be saved, 2) You must be enabled by God, and 3) however you serve you must be put there by God. That is why Christians will say that they were "called" to do whatever service they are doing. If you do not feel as though you were called by God to serve in a specific manner ... Don't !

Saturday, August 11, 2018


August 11, 2018

Woman was created by God as an equal to man to balance and to complete man. She was to be a completer NOT a compete-er ! In Genesis 2:18 we see God saying," It is not good that man should be alone ; I will make him a helper comparable to him." God was not commenting on a fault with Adam but was commenting on his inability to carry out God's perfect plan of creation without help. Then He created woman. She is not inferior but equal.  Yet created much differently because she was to compliment all that Adam was and yet complete him also. In today's American society it is a very hard thing to compete with men and still fulfill God's intended reason to complete the man.  When a man and a woman are married their goal in their love for each other should be to put God in the middle of their marriage and to do God's will within that marriage. This is one reason why "Helpfulness" is one of God's keys to love.

Deuteronomy 33:29 says," Happy are you, O Israel ! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, The shield of your help and the sword of your majesty ! Your enemies shall submit to you, and you shall tread down their high places." This verse shows the mighty power of the right help at the right time by the right person ! The writer starts by showing that only the Jews had been "saved" by the Lord. Are we not also saved by the blood of Jesus ? That this truth also applies to those saved this way ? It goes on to show that because you are saved He will help them and to protect them. Again, does this not also apply to blood bought saints of Jesus ?  You may say, "So what?" Look at what the power of His help does. Your enemies will submit to you  and you shall tear down all the false gods the unsaved have. Therefore, when we find a mate who completes and compliments you with God in the middle, miracles can and will happen !  This truth shows the power of helpfulness !

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29)  Helpfulness is not only an action to be taken but we see here that it is a word to be spoken. How can we be helpers to the saved and unsaved alike ? By controlling the tongue ! "Corrupt word" does not only mean foul language. It also applies to gossip, back stabbing, lying, bearing false witness, cursing and using God's name in vain !  This verse instructs us to do none of that but to use language that will help encourage others and to show and witness for God ! Since most of us talk a lot more than we do actions, it becomes very evident that by watching our speech and watching out for all the traps for us to helping others is a full time job !  Strive not only to help others physically but also strive to help others verbally !!!

Saturday, August 4, 2018


August 4, 2018

"... for the Lord brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land."(Hosea 4:1) In this passage we can see the prophet is bringing a legal case against the people from God. In the charge he mentions 3 things : no truth, no mercy, and no knowledge of God. All three of these are individual charges with one root cause ...there is no faith ! Without faith there can be no mercy, truth, or knowledge of God. Later in the next verse he goes on to list all of the infractions they have committed including breaking all of the commandments. This verse shows us what the result is of no faith in God. The same can be said of our relationships. Without faith and without God in any relationship there will always be no truth, mercy, or knowledge of God ! The result will always be harm to each other, the relationship, and to God !

The prophet Jeremiah says in verse 28 "...and he who has my word. let him speak My word faithfully." This is a direct warning to those who preach and teach God's word. You are held to a higher standard to give His word faithfully. This means to give the word accurately, and whenever called upon. God's word can only be effective when it is given ! That sounds simple yet it is not. If one little thing is wrong then the whole thing is wrong. That is why God's law was that whoever got one detail of His word wrong was to be stoned to death !! If you love God and His word you must deliver it as He says. Likewise for us. We must be there for each other with the truth AND whenever needed.

"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." (Rev. 2-10) Here, God says that Satan is about to put some in prison for 10 days to test them. If they remain faithful they will receive the crown which is life. This is yet another way of stating a truth that is all through the bible. Without faith there is no life. It was that way in the garden when Eve believed the serpent and it is the same here in Revelation when Jesus is coming back ! Our faith must be in Jesus for our spiritual life no matter what happens to our physical life.  Eve thought God meant she would die physically because she listened to Satan. Here God is saying their physical life will be bad but for only a short time. Then they will have eternal life ! The message is the same for us ... Have faith in Jesus and you will have eternal life.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


July 26, 2018

Anyone who has ever been in any type of relationship has had to forgive the other person ! The problem is why and do we really forgive ?  When we get saved ALL of our sins (past, present, and future) are forgiven !  When your spouse hurts you and then you forgive them .... do you ever mention it in the NEXT fight ? Is that forgiveness ?  This "Key" is so critical to biblical love that without forgiveness we would not have eternal life, any human long term relationships, no long term working relationships, no family relationships, etc. In fact, without forgiveness I believe society as we know it would cease to exist !!!

"For which is easier to say "your sins are forgiven you" or to say "Arise and walk"" ? (Matthew 9:5)  In this verse Jesus is equating the healing of the body to the healing of the soul !  We also see that Jesus says  "which is easier" leading them to believe that just saying the words "You are forgiven" is much easier than actually healing someone. BUT is it ? Jesus could speak health to the man but He had to die to forgive him !  Think about that. Forgiveness was and is so important to Jesus that He
was willing to suffer and die for you to be forgiven !  Is forgiving your spouse that important to you ?

"If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them ; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." ( John 20:23 )  WHAAAAT !!!  Is Jesus saying here that we have the power to forgive sins ?  Absolutely not !  What Jesus is telling the Apostles as they prepare to go out on their own is this : You now understand the truth and forgiveness, If based on their response to the Gospel they repent then you can know they are forgiven. If, on the other hand they do not repent, then you will know that they are not forgiven and are not saved. Jesus is not telling them to judge but He is telling them to look at their fruit once they have received the Gospel. This is exactly what we are to do ... be fruit inspectors.

" John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" (Mark 1:4)  We can see here that baptism does NOT lead to the forgiveness of sins, but is only an outward sign of repentance that has already happened in the heart !  This is a real problem for many people who think that because they have been baptized they are going to heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth ! Forgiveness comes from repentance. Repentance is a conscience decision to turn away from sin and towards God !  THAT leads to forgiveness. The same is true in our relationships. Forgiveness should only be granted when the offender has turned away from hurtful behavior and towards mending the relationship !!

There are many verses in the bible that talk about the connection between forgiveness and relationship and love !  I believe we all know the importance of forgiveness, I do not believe we all understand the consequences of forgiveness or NOT forgiving. When we get saved ... only God knows the condition and intention of our heart and therefor He is the only one able to decide if we are sheep or goats !  When we forgive each other we do not know the condition of the other person's heart. That is why Jesus says we are to forgive our brother 70 times 7. This is not a math problem we are to keep track of, it is a picture that when our brother asks ... we are to forgive. No matter what !  Unless we know for sure that their heart is not right. Remember : Do not judge....but inspect the fruit closely.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


July 21,  2018

In a bible dictionary is this definition of goodness :  Praiseworthy character, moral excellence. The bible speaks often of goodness of God. (Exodus 33:19). God's goodness consists of righteousness, holiness, justice, kindness, grace, mercy, and love. Goodness is also a Fruit of the Spirit that should characterize Christian believers (Gal. 5:22). Christians are called to goodness, even as God the Father is perfect and good (Matt. 5:48).  (Nelsons dictionary of the bible p. 438).

As we have said earlier, for every good gift from God ... Satan has a cheap knock off to appeal to the flesh as opposed to the Fruit of the Spirit. In Galatians 5:19 - 21 we can see a list of the "works of the flesh" as provided by Satan. In that list we will see the opposite of goodness. "Selfish ambitions" is the opposite of goodness. In verse 5:22 we see the list of the Fruit of the Spirit. The list ends with this "... And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with it's passions and desires."

In Romans 2:6-10 we see once again where Paul is comparing and contrasting "goodness". He is using the works of the flesh to show the difference. Although scripture teaches that salvation is not based on works, we see here that Paul is teaching that in the works of the righteous is goodness and not selfishness.  "... eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality."  Later in the same paragraph where he then contrasts this with those who do good for evil purposes. " -indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil ..."

Lastly, the first place in the bible where we see "goodness" is in Genesis chapter 1 where God says many times "...and it was good."  When did God's "Good" and "very good" creation become not so good ?  When Satan enters the picture !  So we can easily see that where "goodness is... Satan is not. Therefore, that explains why it is a Fruit of the Spirit and why it is a Key to Biblical Love ! Because where Love is... Satan is not !

Saturday, July 14, 2018


July 14, 2018

2 Timothy 10  we see Paul reminding Timothy of his suffering in different cities. He is attempting to encourage Timothy to stay strong for the long term. When in verse 12 Paul says,"Yes,  and all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." He reminds Timothy that from all of his persecutions he had been delivered by God. From these verses we see that when your heart is with Jesus you will suffer and from this long suffering,  patience is the fruit that is reaped !  This all because of love for Jesus. The same fruit is for us when we have a biblical (godly) love. Yes, we will long suffer but patience through love is our reward.

2 Peter 3 : 9 " The Lord longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."  Here we can see that God is willing to endure much from us in order that in the end we are saved. Why ?  God desires an eternal relationship with us who believe on His Son. He created us to have a relationship with His creation who choose to have one with Him. Because we are sinful He knows that we are not capable of godly love without patience and much help from the Trinity. While that work is being done in us, He must be longsuffering with the reward of  us not perishing but receiving life from Him !

One of the literature truths used in the bible is this : when a matter is important it is repeated twice. Either word for word or idea by idea. In proverbs 16 : 32 we see an example of the latter. " He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty. And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." You can see the comparisons used to make the same point. "Slow to anger" is the same as longuffering or patience. So the writer is saying that he who is longsuffering  and he who rules his spirit is better and mightier than kings and rulers. As followers of Jesus we should always strive to be patient so that in God's eyes we are better and mightier (in spirit) than kings and rulers are (in body) !

When we are talking about patience being a biblical key to love, there is no better biblical proof than 1 Corinthians 13 : 4. This whole chapter is known as the love chapter. It breaks down biblical love with a list of  "is and is not's". The first three words in verse 4 show the close connection. " Love suffers long .." In any love relationship if we are willing to endure for the long term, the reward is a relationship. God does this for us and here we see that we should do this for our love relationships. This is completely different than what the world teaches. If you are not happy you should walk away and try to find happiness. God says you should endure the hard time until you find the relationship !

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


July 4, 2018

John 3:16    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." In this very famous verse we see that God chose us !  This was not easily or lightly. Look at the verse it says "He "GAVE" His only begotten Son". He had to make a choice to give away His son !  Could you make that choice to give your life or that of a loved one for God ? God did that for us ... and expects the same choice from us !

Acts 1:22    ":beginning from the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection."       Here we can see that on the day when John was baptized He had to be a witness... WHO had to be a witness with us ?  The Holy Spirit ! He has made a choice to be with us as a witness for Jesus !

Deut. 14:2      "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself ..."  Once again we see where God has chosen us for Himself. From Genesis to Revelation, God continually chooses us for Himself. Even as we ignore Him, sin, and worship other gods and otherwise turn from Him. Again this is a choice God has made for us ...and He expects the same choice and dedication from us for Him !

Psalm 119:173       "Let Your hand become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts."  In this verse we see that the writer HAS made the choice for God ! One of the differences between God choosing us and us choosing God is God is perfect and we are not. However, when we fall God does expect us to continue to make the choice for Him every day ! That is what being a Christian is ... a daily decision to follow Jesus. NOT a one time choice to say a prayer and be done !

Isaiah  42:1       "Behold ! My Servant whom I uphold, My elect One in whom my soul delights ! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the gentiles."   Here God is speaking and when He says "My Servant whom I uphold.." Who is He speaking of ?   JESUS ! Here we see plainly that not only has God chose us for Himself but Jesus has made the choice to love God and to give Himself for us AND for the Father !

Romans 8:13      "For if you live according to the flesh you will die ; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."  This is scripture that is talking about the daily choice we must make to follow Jesus. If we try by the flesh we will die spiritually. However, if we live by the Spirit, that choice will put to death the deeds of the flesh and we will live spiritually !  The key here is we must choose DAILY to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh !

These scriptures, and many more, show that one of the keys to love is choice. Not just our choice, but the choice of God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and us. All must make the choice to love. With this daily decision to love, the deeds of the flesh will die and we will live spiritually. We should celebrate every day that we have a God that loves us enough to give us a choice and a will to love Him ! God is good ... every day !

Thursday, June 28, 2018


June 28, 2018

This blog is another set up for commentary on the bible that is easy to find and read for you. We have several set up. One is " 1 Kings "  and "Fruit of the Spirit" and several more. This one is the result of a study I did many years ago that I have never heard preached on before ! In this blog we will take a look at the biblical keys to love. Notice I did NOT say "all". I am not sure that the 12 keys here is a complete list, but I do know it is a thorough list.

Choice, Patience, Goodness, Forgiveness, Faithfulness, Helpfulness, Service,  Hospitality, Humbleness, Gratitude, Praying, and Ferventness.  These are the 12 keys ! The first one we will deal with is Choice.

For each key we will go through the bible and pull out enough scripture to show a certain aspect of it and how it relates to love. We will comment on them as we go. Also, it is important to understand the type of love we are talking about. We are talking about a Godly love ...Agape love.

I really enjoy teaching on this topic. When this blog is completed I hope you will have a better understanding of what a biblical or Godly love looks like and how you can change your concept of love to more closely reflect that of God !  If God is love (He is) then we should try daily to please Him by loving Him and others with His love !

Please bookmark this blog and check back often. Also, after each entry I will post on facebook and Google. I pray you enjoy it as much as I will teaching it and that it blesses you !